"Lucy" ( as SOME of my friends like to refer to me ) had an experience today that she would like to share ( as I told one of my lunch mates...."You know those lists of things you're supposed to do before you die?? We can check this one off" 0_0 ).
I went to NOODLES today for a quick lunch ( I was out and about running errands etc ). The place was packed and I didn't realize that until AFTER I ordered my food and tried to find a table. Finally, a 4 seater became available and I was seated. I looked up at a mother and her 12 year old daughter and said " I don't mind if you want to join me " and the Mom ( who I came to know as "Sarah" ) said " you really don't mind?" And I assured her I did not. Meanwhile, an older woman at a booth said " I feel funny having this booth all to myself. In New York, you just sit wherever there's an opening " . Sarah turned to her and said " Why don't you join us too?" ( Now...either Sarah was being nice or she thought there was safety in numbers should I turn out to be a serial killer enjoying a penne rosa pasta dish at Noodles )> So...."Anita" ( originally from Manhattan 30 years ago ) joined us.
I had an hour lunch with people I've never met before and probably won't again - it was delightful.
I bet some of you would have done this too - or ...already have.