Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I get tired of explaining

*Sigh* Mark's dental surgery is tentatively scheduled for Feb 21st - however, the receptionist on the phone made it real clear to me that "his wisdom teeth SHOULDN'T be bothering him and giving him that much pain" *HUGE SIGH* I responded " Have you lived with someone with autism or have either of the surgeons??" Of course NOT. I then added " I know it sounds crazy to people that don't live like we do but I've seen Mark get a second degree burn on his feet and sleep like a baby but then turn around and freak out over a hangnail. He is slapping his face and digging in the back of his mouth; If you have a better suggestion, I'm all ears" I AM SO FLOCKING TIRED OF HAVING TO EXPLAIN shat to people about autism. I AM SO FLOCKING TIRED of having to defend my child and help him get a smidge of relief. Sorry to vent but it's just so doggone frustrating to not be heard. Can you imagine how Mark feels?

Someone Get Al Gore On The Phone!

It's 40 below windchill out there today!! I just gave Rachel and the neighbor girl a ride to school and told them to call me at the end of the day with the instructions " DO NOT GO WALKING OUTSIDE AT ALL TODAY !!". I truly wonder how many moms will bring there little ones into work today....we shall see.

Oh ...and it's Girl Scout cookie time so you know how much fun I'm having with that.....0_0

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

25 below flocking 0 windchill....

....It's sad when your freezer is like daytona beach compared to walking outside.

I'm in pain damn it!

Mark had his pre-op appt yesterday with the surgeon. While in the waiting room, he had a bit of a meltdown when the Tylenol 3 wore off ( Jag ended up getting head butted; which hurts like heck and makes you see stars when a 13 year old does it to you ). The surgeon told Jag she was booked and it would be at least 6 weeks before Mark could get scheduled for surgery -- to which Jag responded " Have you seen his face?!?!" We're supposed to find out today or tomorrow when they can get him in. Such is life.....

Monday, January 28, 2008

...but he's a great athlete!!!

Mark's 3 year eval was today. Overall, he is doing remarkably well this year in school. However, I had to laugh at the adaptive P.E. teacher when she said " he is doing so much better this year compared to last year. Last year, it was like he was in his own little world " 0_0 ( Gee, I hope he's not autistic or something!!! ). She added " he tests out at about age 15 1/2 for balance and agility - he's very athletic " :)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Perhaps I celebrated too soon??

Jag took Mark back this morning and the staff didn't hear the doorbell. Apparently, they had the other 2 residents in the basement watching a movie and didn't hear the bell. Mark started to bang his head on the window next to the door ....and....well.... he broke it. *SIGH*

Oh the joy of good drugs!!!

Within one day of being on the tylenol 3, we are seeing a marked decrease in SIB behavior in Mark. He, of course, is still slapping himself but the frequency has gone down and he seems less "burdened". He was in a great mood last night and was very giggly. He even "flirted" with Gwen a bit. Very nice to see and, to be honest, a relief to see my boy back :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Pain Game....

As you have heard, Mark has been slapping the shat outta his face; mainly on the right side. I tried getting him stronger meds yesterday to no avail. Apparently, you have to be Britney Spears or the late Heath Ledger ( God Rest his Soul - I truly loved his work! ) to get the good stuff. In any case, my pestering of the doctors got me an appt for Mark today - I am meeting him in an hour to HOPEFULLY alleviate his pain. Already this am at school, he has had to be dosed with tylenol and placed in a quiet/calm room. ** I get very emotional when he is in pain :(

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Oh what have I gone and done now....

I visited Mamamormon's blog.... I had to open a google acct to post there. It then asked me if I wanted to start my own blog..."why not" I said to myself 0_0