I want to preface ( is that the word? ) this story by saying that.... I love people. I love hearing their stories and...I love to spend time people watching - I'm never bored that way. Some people collect precious moments figurines...I like to think I collect "precious moments"
Jenna and I accompanied Rachel to her second driving test. I have to admit I was nervous as heck because I didn't want to have to go through the drama of her NOT getting it. On the way there, a "red bird" flew in front of our car ( Jag's family calls cardinals "RED BIRDS" because that's what his late mother called them. Whenever we see one, we think of Grandma ). I figured it was a very good omen for us to "see" Grandma that am.
Rachel took the test and passed!! WHOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!! She was on top of the world. As we stood in line, she was spilling over with excitement, to which I made the comment " Rachel, your excitement is spilling over on the other people in line"
An elderly couple in front of us turned to share their lives with us for a moment. The woman was GORGEOUS. She looked to be in her 60's. Gorgeous skin and just a warmth to her personality. She was the size of my late Grandma Genny ( about 4 ft 9 in if that ) and had the same sweetness. The woman says to Rachel in a strong East coast accent " I flunked the first time!! I didn't drive until after I had three kids and the funny thing is that he ( she jabs her husband ) was in the car business~!"
Now I don't know if these 2 were Jewish or Italian but their accents were right out of a tv sitcom and I adored them immediately.
Mr. Elderly turns and looks at Rachel and says " she's gorgeous!! How old is she??"
"16" I say.
Mr Elderly says " she'll be married in 2 years " 0_0
Mrs. Elderly jabs him and says " nooooooo they go to college now and all that stuff"
I turn to her and say "speaking of gorgeous, you are!! You caught my eye immediately when we got in line "
Mrs says " I'm 85"
Me - "get out!! No way!! What is your secret!?"
Mrs "soap and water - that's all I've ever used "
Folks - she was a beautiful woman - inside and out.
Mr pipes up and says " you know you can get them to pass you on these driving tests if you slip them a 50" ROFL!!!
He then goes on about how beautiful Jenna is.
I tell him " well they look like their Dad "
Those 2 were straight out of WHEN HARRY MET SALLY ( remember at the end of the movie where the older couples share their stories??? )
I'm sure I didn't do that "precious moment" justice but it was a fun blimp on the radar of life. You never know when life is gonna toss you a party....even in line at the DMV ( btw, those people working there have NO sense of humor ...just sayin! )