Look at her.... all angelic....all innocent....all holy looking....
This child has had a horrible cold all week. The problem is that with this particular child, it's hard to tell just how sick she really is because she has become quite the capable actress. Meryl Streep has nothing on Jenna.
Example of conversation this morning ( this was after I told her she WAS going back to school ):
Jenna ( insert sickly and weak voice here ): "I'm really really sick Mom "
Mom ( insert responsible and caring Mom voice...not ) : "Go eat something so I can give you some medicine - I don't like to give it on an empty stomach "
Jenna ( answering way too quickly ) " I already ate something "
Mom ( raising eyebrow ) "Oh?? What did you have? "
Jenna (slightly raising her eyebrow ) "why do you want to know? "
Mom ( suddenly turning into Nancy Drew ) "So....if I were to go downstairs and look in the sink...would I find an empty cereal bowl? "
Jenna ...squirming and looking like a deer caught in the headlights.
Mom " Get downstairs....eat some breakfast....NOW! "
Motherhood is not for wusses.