Isn't he handsome?? *Huge sigh*
We had a yearly review this week at the county offices with Mark's social worker ( Janeen - he's had her since he was 2 ), her supervisor ( TW ) and Mark's guardian ad litum ( aka never seen her before in my life and she was questionable in her ability to keep things straight ).
TW welcomed me and I had to look at her for a minute and say " Oh...I remember you! You were at our house 5 or so years ago to observe Mark "
She laughed and said " Yes ...that was me and that's when I knew your family needed help and relief " 0_0
I said " was it that bad?? "
TW " Ummm yes. It was very bad and you had a daughter that wasn't speaking due to the stress in the home "
Me " It's good for me to hear feedback because I have days where I wonder if I was just being a wimp or that I was throwing the towel in too soon. I'll always wonder if we did the right thing "
TW " There is no question in my mind that Mark is where he needs to be and I see lots of cases. You were wiped out emotionally and you had other children to think of ....not to mention your marriage "
I write all this merely to reflect on it - it was almost SOOTHING to hear her words. I hadn't seen her since the day she came into my home to assess whether Mark really needed to be placed. And ...as I recall, she watched Mark for 30 minutes in our home and turned to Brook and I and said " what can *I* do for you?? What can I do to get the ball rolling on placement? "
Folks - some days I have wondered if I was just a wimp but it's very nice to occasionally get feedback that confirms we did the right thing.
God bless all families that face tough decisions....and God bless good social workers and their supervisors.