You ever have one of those "A HA!! " moments where you realize you've been an idiot. Oh...the signs are all there but you've been missing them and your brain seems to be on a vacation?? People around you must think you've either become incredibly insensitive or you're just an idiot....or both.
I woke up this morning with clarity my friends. I've been in a fog for the past 2 weeks. My brain started a vacation without me and it finally returned this morning. My first thought was "Oh my - I've been missing the boat!!". Naturally, I had feelings of embarrassment coupled with thousands of DUH's running through my head.
Do you ever have moments like that where you realize you've been a dunce?? If so, please share. Come join my dunce party.
P.S. Drama - remember the wav. "You are an idiot"?? Please play that when you think of me :)
I live feeling like an idiot for things I've done/said/thought....embrace it and come sit by me.
I've never known you to do anything remotely idiotic...but I'll sit by you anyway because you might feed me.
Ohhh yeah!! Count me in. lol
MM .. I still think of you whenever I hear that .wav your an idiot wav.0_0
Good Times Good Times ;)
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