Thursday, June 12, 2008

Someone explain this to me...

I don't get it - how does an A student come home on the last day of school with ONE SHOE???? And when you ask said child where the shoe is...the response?? " I dunno. Must have fallen out of my backpack. It's ok though...I was done with them anyway " 0_0

Also - type in TENNIS SHOE on your search thingie and hit images....tell me why there are a few photos of nude women tossed in. I don't get that.


Mama said...

I don't know the answer, but I bet it wasn't as easy as it looked.

MNBandMom said...

QUOTE: "wasn't as easy as it looked "

To lose a shoe or end up with nude women when I searched "tennis shoe"??


Mama said...


MNBandMom said...

UPDATE ON SHOE CRISIS - The missing shoe has been found!! I repeat THE MISSING SHOE HAS BEEN FOUND.

Drama "O" said...

Woooo Hoooo !!