Ever have times in your life that feel like you're on the emotional roller coaster at the "What Doesn't Kill Ya Only Makes Ya Stronger" amusement park??
Most of us take this ride while others sit on the sidelines and never lose their lunch or have their head spin.
I just walked in from an emotional lunch with a friend whose husband is dying from ALS...only to get 2 phone calls; 1. My son needs stitches because he banged his head on a window and 2. My 102 year old Grandmother ( a woman that exemplifies strength to me in so many ways ) is dying. Toss in a few previous worries about various friends over their health and stresses and I'm a weeping cocktail.
Life has a way of smacking you up aside the head and showing you what the real issues in life are doesn't it??
Be back later - phone again.
You really do sound as if you're being slapped around . . . and I'm sorry. It does always get better but that doesn't mean it won't be really sucky, first.
Oh man MM, so sorry to read about this.
I hope Mark got through the stitches without too much trauma.
Keep us posted on your Grandmother.
Thanks you guys but now I feel sheepish because it's Megan, Mark and Grandma that are going through the wringer....it's just tough to watch from where I sit.
Megan - her husband Paul faces a certain death and it's hard for her to watch this once articulate brilliant man get worse each day. He can no longer speak...can no longer hold his head up....and could choke on his own fluids. Very very sad.
Mark - he was in a great mood last night so that was great. However, he IS in a pattern of banging his head on objects when he gets frustrated. We're keeping emergency rooms in business.
Grandma - she's ready to go folks. She's a woman of strong faith and love. She wants to be with Grandpa and has said so for 10 years. Just her luck to have a strong heart that keeps beating.
What a bad few days!
I suspect Mark was banging his head about McCain. I look into that boy's eyes and see a liberal. I'm just saying.....
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