Jag and I went to Jen's parent teacher conference last week. You never really know what to expect at these things but in general....they run about the same. They show you the stuff your child does well in and the stuff they need to work on etc.
We arrive and the teacher looks at us and says " Can I just say what a lovely young lady you have there " 0_0
How did Jag and I respond?? With hysterical laughter. I'm sure most of you will agree that we did not have the most appropriate response at that moment but it was honest ( had this teacher, who appeared capable and alert, mistaken our child with someone else?? ).
It only got better from there --- Mrs. Anderson ( there has to be a million teachers in Minnesota with that name ) says " When Jenna speaks, you just have to listen. She's so profound and she's really a thinker " 0_0
Jag and I supressed giggles and tried to take the rest of the conference in with seriousness and with the respect it deserved.
Apparently, our child is a genius in math but sucks at spelling ( just in case you were curious how she was doing besides being the teacher's pet ).
No teacher ever adored me - not one stinking one.
Jackie - can I be your pet?
Oh, sweetie, you already ARE my pet. But, just keep it between us, 'k?
Nice Hummel as the pic.
Ohh and I was never teachers pet either!
Come sit by me and we can be uncool. LOL
WTG Jenna !
I hate to be so pushy but . . . could you, please, hurry and put something new and fun on here, for me? I mean, this is all about my enjoyment and, much as I hate to say it . . . I am feeling as if you are not putting your heart and soul into this. So, ummmm, if you have time to read this, you should have time to write something for me. :-) Thanks, in advance!
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