Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jenna's Family :)

Jenna wrote this ....made it into a book...and gave it to us for Christmas:
The most important thing about my mom is that she's humorous.
It is true, Mom is unselfish. She cleans my messy room. Also, she's gentle. She helps me fall asleep sometimes. She is calm. One time she calmed me at the doctor's office. But the most important thing about Mom is that she's humorous 0_0
The most important thing about Mark is that he is very successful.
It is true , Mark is smart. Mark is autistic and can cook, mow the lawn and put puzzles together. Also, he is funny! Mark does really funny things. One time, he was baking cookies and he turned the turning thing on full blast.
But the most important thing about Mark is that he is very successful.
The most important thing about Rachel is that she is my friend.
It is true, Rachel is helpful. Sometimes she helps me with my homework. Also, she is a dreamer. She dreams up some pretty cool things. And yes, she is brave. One time Rachel opened a package when we thought it was a bomb ( it wasn't and we are still here ).
But the most important thing about Rachel is that she is my friend.
The most important thing about Dad is that he is bold.
It is true, Dad is brave. He killed a spider that creeped me out! Also, he is proud. When he does something right he is proud. And he's honest, he told me the truth when he put my cookies back in the oven and burnt them.
But the most important thing about Dad is that he is bold.
The most important thing about me is that I'm totally awesome!!
It is true, I am crazy. I send e-mails that don't make sense to my friends. Also, I'm funny! I can make anybody laugh out loud. Last, but not least, I 'm cool. All my friends think I am!
But, the most important thing about me is that I am totally awesome!


Mama said...


Gooooo Jenna!

Clearly, the child has self esteem issues, though. Work on that, will ya?

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

Please, please, can I be Auntie Jackie-Oh to Jenna? I think that kid's adorable!

MNBandMom said...

Oh I'm so glad you both are amused 0_0

Btw, Jackie, ask your daughter how cute Jenna was this afternoon while I was on the phone with her.....

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

Ok, Missy MM; just how do you think it makes me feel that you call your friend (aka: Mama) but do not call me (the Mama's mama) just because we've never met; I'm in a different generation and I'm not really all that interesting, anyway? And then, you tell me to ask her about your phone call? You are heartless! I'll just be sitting over her sniffling, for awhile, and I hope you're satisfied. And, by the way, I do not imagine my precious new faux niece did anything wrong, at all. Please, pass the Kleenex, if it wouldn't be too much trouble.

MNBandMom said...

Jackie, obviously because of your brain damage** you have forgotten that I have called you!! I tried to get you to buy Amway, aluminum siding, test out a Kirby Vacuum, donate to my political party, sponsor a child in Africa etc and you hung up on me each time. I ask you...where's the southern charm in that??

** I would like to state that YOUR daughter has given me the ok to mock you for your near death experience. She has also given me permission to compare you to Cindy Anthony or Anita Bryant. Take all complaints up with her.

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

Oh crud - you should have called back. I only hang up the first time I'm called - by the second call, the guilt has kicked in and I will buy just about anything. Were you the one who called from the "send a desperate mom to the spa," folks? I'm sorry what I told you to do with your hot tub; I'm pretty certain it's a physical impossibility, actually.

And, just by-the-way, thanks for the comparison to Anita Bryant; she is my hair idol!!! :-p

Drama "O" said...


I did love this book by Jenna !

The Chapter on Mark made me smile.
How wonderful that she can see all the things he is capable of :)