I've been a good sport....and my SIL has been a good houseguest.....but it's been 6 months now and I think it's time the universe bless her with a job :)
Don't get me wrong - in many ways it's been great having her here. I have a built in chef ( she is an excellent cook ) and someone to watch movies with etc. However, I can tell it's wearing on her to live here and frankly....it changes the dynamics of my family life as well.
I find myself being a bit miffed at Jag for no reason - I suppose it's because he's a safe person to dump this on. I also am keenly aware how he would be acting if this was MY sibling living with us 0_0
Don't get me wrong - in many ways it's been great having her here. I have a built in chef ( she is an excellent cook ) and someone to watch movies with etc. However, I can tell it's wearing on her to live here and frankly....it changes the dynamics of my family life as well.
I find myself being a bit miffed at Jag for no reason - I suppose it's because he's a safe person to dump this on. I also am keenly aware how he would be acting if this was MY sibling living with us 0_0
I am praying that her interview next week ( on the 23rd ) finally lands her a job. I know she REALLY wants this one and she has a good "in" because of a connection with Jag's job. Cross your fingers everyone!
Thank you for letting me vent :)
Ditty Diane ( sigh ) apparently has lost her password and can't post. She emailed me this ( I am posting it because I want it on record that she said something nice about me ) :)
i tried to publish something on your blog but forgot my password. My comment was-your patience with this whole situation amazes me.
Vent away - it's your blog!
I'll pray for her some more. She needs it, mon. You just keep on hanging in there!!
Vent, vent, vent all ya want!!!
Mm ... Did I tell you that I am coming for a visit next week to your place :)
Thanks for the space Mon !
I feel badly I posted that now - I wouldn't hurt SIL's feelings for the world and it would if she read that.
I've decided that retail therapy is in order for moi.
You forgot to wish me a Happy Birthday today. Now my whole birthday is ruined.
Boy, reading blogs is fun!
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