Saturday, June 28, 2008

Save me... I want to live!!

That's me in the background with the almost 16 year old driving. Maybe we look alike to you - we like to wear matching shirts and have matching contusions on our skulls 0_0.
I had the "almost 16 year old" drive me up to St. Paul today via a busy-ish hwy. 0_0.
Dear Lord.... I think I ripped off 2 finger nails with the white knuckling I was doing.
On the one hand, she does PRETTY well ....if she was in the over 80 age group that is.
She takes SUPER wide turns and does them My stomach is somewhere near Snelling Ave in St. Paul.
And on the other hand....well there is no "other hand" - it's just nerve racking and it's every bit as scarey as you can imagine except worse!!
I don't know if I will survive this.
On an un-related note... "THE PET" ( as we refer to my SIL ) has moved out. We called her the pet because she reminded us of a cat except she didn't stink and she didn't lick her bits and pieces. She was OUR PET for 8 months. It's with mixed feelings with say good bye to her and wish her the best in her new uber cool house.


Mama said...

ohh - learning to drive - uuuuuuuuuuuugly......

MNBandMom said...

I rode with her today and she did much better. I only lost partial use of one leg today.

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

Someone in this situation might benefit from my personal belief in living better through chemicals. Just a suggestion. :-)

MNBandMom said...

Be STILL my heart!! Has the REAL Jackie posted on MY BLOG!?!?! *BLUSH*

I am so honored.

Jackie - help me through this!! How did you teach Mama to drive??? I'm an old farm girl and I just seemed to always KNOW how to drive.

Mama said...

I can tell you how she taught me. I didn't want to drive and she pulled the car over on the way to my Keyettes initiation and told me I could drive myself there if I wanted to go badly enough.


Meanie weenie....

MNBandMom said...

Clearly, you were abused Mama.

Mama said...

She made me do dishes every night, too. It's a wonder I made it thru that abusive childhood!!!

MNBandMom said...

Did she used to work in a women's prison?? Or was she a postal worker while you were growing up??


Mama said...

Until high school - she was a (get this!!) SAHM! Can you believe the horrors of my childhood?????

She also sometimes volunteered at my school and like - let me have sleepovers and stuff - and drove me to school! (full out weeping) Make it stop - please, make the childhood memories stoooooooop....too painful...too too painful...

MNBandMom said...

Are you in therapy?? You clearly need it for the horrendous child abuse you received. SYBIL had NOTHING on you!

Drama "O" said...

OMG ! What is it with the SUPER wide turns they make ?? 0_0

MM ... at one time we thought Autism was a challenge 0_0

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

Have either of you seen the new Incredible Hulk movie? Guess who was the stunt double? You, Missy Mama, might just want to take that into consideration since I am, easily, within rampaging distance of your home. And, MM . . . PLEASE, do not encourage her. But, it is LOVELY to see YOU, again. As for wide turn . . . serenely and quietly bow your head, close your eyes and SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM until it's all over or you are safely in the hospital with the nice nurses, whichever comes first.

MNBandMom said...

Drama - can you imagine having Nick or Mark drive??? *Shudder*

Jackie - I have a girl crush on you ( Mama explain that to her so she doesn't freak out in an Anne Heche way on me ).

Haven't seen THE HULK Jackie - you obviously get out more than I do.

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

Anne Heche . . . AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Scary, spooky, creepy . . . I need chocolate to get that out of my mind (whimper, whimper, whimper).

MNBandMom said...

Look into my font Jackie - YOU are NOT Anne Heche. *I* am NOT Anne Heche. Drama, on the other hand, is some kinda funky ANNE HECHE.

P.S. Mama - it's your duty to explain girl crushes since you have tons yourself.

Mama said...

Mom - calling someone "Anne Heche" is a secret way of saying "I hate your guts." Just know that now...

Additionally, I've been asked to define, "girl crush." A girl crush is when a biiiiiiiiiiiiig girl sits on you and you die. Were I you, I'd be insulted.

MNBandMom said...

GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tossed under the boss by THE MORMON!!!! May your Underwear have holes in them that aren't HOLY!!

Mama said...

I speak truth.

Mom - who would you believe? A stranger off the Net or your own flesh and blood? The veritable fruit of your looms?

(BTW - the word verification is Mold HS - which makes me think Mold High School!!! lol...)

MNBandMom said...

Not that *I* trying to start something here.... ( because we all know *I* avoid drama...0_0 ) but Jackie, I happen to know Mama TRIES to step on cracks.

Mama said...

You rat. I knew you'd go there. I told you - she LIKES it when I step on the cracks.

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

Jackie smiles sweetly and chooses, carefully, from her Whitman Sampler of chocolates. Watching Mama and MM verbally tussle, she thinks, serenely, "Ahhh, my work here is done." And she slips away . . .

MNBandMom said...

MM looks at Mama - we've been hoodwinked by an expert Mama!!!

Jackie - don't you have a coma you need to get back to????

Pssssssst Mama is it ok to joke with her like that?

Mama said...

And now, you better understand my childhood.


Mama said...

Oh - and I'd only joke with her like that if you are wanting a girl crush of your own. She knows some big'uns. BEWARE!

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

snore . . . snort . . . yawn Jackie stretches and wipes the sleep from her eyes and asks, "Hi! I dozed off for a few days; did I miss anything?"

MNBandMom said...

Jackie - don't you have an overdue book to charge some old lady 60 cents for?

Mama said...

Ohh - don't get the woman started on FINES.

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

MM, that comment didn't make any CENTS, to me. But, I am FINE, thank you, Mama . . . but confused . . .

MNBandMom said...

Pssssssssst Jackie - there's a couple back in PERIODICALS trying to "subscribe" to each other. In addition, someone dog eared all the reference books and let a cheeto finger print.

Mama said...

Ohhh here - we go. Some folks think they are punny.

Mom - aren't you DUE somewhere?

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

I would just like to mention that I am a GUEST, here, and both Emily Post and I are appalled at how I am being treated. I eat a chocolate, have a quick little coma, and just see how you young 'uns have turned on me. If you cut me, do I not bleed? If you slap me, do I not cry? If you turn on me . . . do I not get even? Think about that, both of you, just think about that. Miss Mama . . . the driving lessons were nothing. }=>

MNBandMom said...

I'm a YANKEE so we don't know NUTTIN about manners and good graces. Therefore, fetch me a coke and make yourself at home.

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

:-) You betcha!

MNBandMom said...

Uff Duh!!

Google that if you don't recognize it.

I live among the Nords and the Swedes doncha know.

Mama said...

Hey - we're not Yankees, but we still know from Uff Dah. We listened to A Prairie Home Companion. We're dope like that.

I am deeply offended that you used the terminology "bits and pieces" in your initial post. I feel you should have used the anatomically correct terms. BWAH HA HA HAAA

MNBandMom said...

And HOOHAH is the correct term???????????????????

Mama said...

Yup. I took Honors A and P. I would know.

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

I hate to sound demanding but as the purpose of your blog is to keep me amused, I would like to request you type in something new and interesting and fun so I can sit here and chuckle. Thank you.

MNBandMom said...

Look at Jackie get all GLENN CLOSE on me here!!