Jackie - Sadly, I cannot amuse you today. I have come to ask YOUR advice. My baby failed her driving test by 4 points today ( who knew you need to stop at a red light before you turn right 0_0 ).....and who the monkey needs to know how to do a 90 degree back in parking job???
The child is feeling dejected and sadly.... I sort of felt she would fail. *SIGH*.....not because she's not capable but because (1) she had called and told all her friends she was taking the road test ( big mistake in my book - the heavens like to monkey with you when you are sure of something ) and (2.) she was a nervous wreck. It was like she was going for a root canal or something.
My urge is to have her out driving as soon as possible again.....sort of like the GET BACK ON THE HORSE idea??
Any feedback??
P.S. Funny, I always felt Mama was put on earth to entertain me!! She needs to post a new entry on her blog!!
Well, I'm not Jackie - but she bred me. :)
I'd make her drive again, soon. Also - did you teach her to drive or did Dad? If he didn't have a part - I'd let him now. I'd take it on the chin and announce that clearly I was the shat teacher and let her think with better tutelage, she'll pass easily. (All the while, you can know you are totally just messing with her head and bolstering her confidence - but you can go to the grave knowing you helped your kid pass. And we all want her to pass. Because the sooner she passes - the sooner she is at Cub Foods picking up dinner for ya.)
The reason I directed my post to Jackie is because of her post on my previous entry ( go read it - it's amusing ).
Both Jag and I have been teaching her. However, we didn't know she needed to know how to do a 90 degree back up turn.
I'm making her drive tomorrow mon.
They should have somewhere what the students need to know to pass. That's lame if they don't. That's invisible mockery forum level LAME. :)
Tell her Richard Petty failed his first go around too. Lie and and get Jag to swear to it!!!
She's home from the movie and laughing with her friend on the phone....I think she will weather this.
Just tell her this is her first concrete evidence that government sticks . . . really, really stinks! How dare they not tell her what she would have to do to pass their stupid test! Get her out there, practice what she knew how to do, already, and remind her everyone is nervous when a stranger is watching them take a test. All teens know they are smarter than the adults - just remind her and she'll be fine. Do remember tho: you will not be driving again until 2017 . . . if you're lucky! :-)
I agree get back right back on the horse.
Erich loves telling everyone how his father flunked his first test by not stopping at the last stop sign ... afterall the examiner told him it was ok to skip the last one because he had done a good job on the rest of the course. 0_0
Oldest trick in the book and he fell for it.
Hang in there Rach !
ROFL @ Mr. Drama's running a stop sign!! R's examiner did a similar trick to her - told her to turn right and she KNEW it was a red light and all but he TOLD her to go ahead and turn yadda yadda.
Power hungry people!
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