That's right folks. I have my own bunny boiler internet stalker. "She" claims to be a "she" but my gut thinks "she" is really a repressed homosexual guy that has a mother fixation. My stalker can't go 2 posts without a gay reference ( or a sexual one ).
Many of us posted on "her" board until we figured out she was a nutter ( yes....I'm slow on the uptake ). I have no idea why she became obsessed with me but..... "she" did ( lucky me!! ).
I generally ignore the posts she makes on other boards because I don't want to engage her on any level.
She has posted on BPPP with at least 2 additional names - the IP numbers didn't match but ....the nutters are always smarter than the sane ones on how to get around that.
I'm leaving for a few days tomorrow - good time to get out a town mon!
It's really mean to call Jackie a "stalker." She's well-meaning -just a little intense!!!!
"Stalking" is such a strong word; I prefer "amiably pursuing."
I know where you are and I am sending the FBI.
This is not a friendly group . . . sighhhhh . . . I am just trying to show MM that I am personable and . . . persistent . . . in the nicest possible way. I hope, for her sake, she gets the message!
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