Saturday, July 26, 2008

Jag is a naughty boy!!

This is what happens when your husband grabs your bum during phototaking ..........he is DTM


Mama said...

Your hand looks like he goosed you!!!!! You look shocked! :)

MNBandMom said...

I know!! You'd think I'd learn to expect it by now ....he does that in every photo taken of us. He thinks he's soooooooooo cute.

Mama said...

As women, we're just always suckers for believing our men will change....and that they won't goose us in public.

It could be worse! He could pick his teeth every photo opportunity you have!!

Drama "O" said...

ROFL ...

Mama I didn't notice her hand until you pointed that out.

Awwwwww too cute though !

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

Dear Ms MM:
I, certainly, enjoyed "Jag is a naughty boy,' but I am ready for new fun and. sooooo, whatever you're doing, drop it and amuse your devoted readers.
Jackie-Oh Pushy