Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Random Thoughts

I must be in a quirky mood because I've been ravaged by random thoughts lately - none of which are important in the whole scheme of things. Yet, my mind is in a state of unrest....
For instance..... today, as I was driving by the local antiques auction place, I thought " I bet folks, like me , that grew up in old farm houses and USED some of that stuff they're selling aren't big buyers of that junk " ( YES I said JUNK. Oh I suppose it's got some value to someone and I've been known to pick up my fair share of junk along the way but most of my friends that are gung ho over antiques grew up in nicer ( ahhem...maybe newer is the better word ) than I did. I have friends that decorate their entire homes in someone's old stuff that got sold when they died off in the 1930's. So ends thought number 1.
Thought #2 - I don't watch soap operas. Not even night time ones. I can't even get interested in them. Then it dawned on me.... my interest in those type of shows died when my own life became a drama circus. ( Message boards don't count because you get to participate IN the dramas ). I don't really like most reality shows either so....I'm not sure what to make of myself. End of thought #2.
Thought #3 - Do you ever notice that the older you get, the more stuff gets caught in your teeth?? Is that because we're eating more sticky stuff or because our teeth are moving and getting all crooked again? 0_0 It's just not cool to be smiling at someone and come home and see you have a hunk of brocoli in between the incisors.
Thought #4 - Is it fair to still get acne in your 40's?? This seems like a MAJOR design flaw to me. Either that, or it's a damned cruel joke. Does one opt for the anti-wrinkle cream or the clearsil?? These are important issues for humanity to ponder.....
Thought # 5 - As weight goes UP...why do things sag DOWNWARD?? An oxymoron in my mind. Yet...another design flaw.
Thought # 6 - Where I live, I've noticed that if it's 100 degrees out, no one cares if they have to park gazillion spaces away from the entrance of a store. However, if it's 50 below zero, we all fight for the closest spot. I guess the fear of having your nose drop off or your eyelids freezing shut as you run into the store for a gallon of milk is a different story altogether.
As you can see, I've had a lot on my mind. I'm sure I'll have more important issues to ponder as the week goes on....and I'll be sure to keep you all posted.......
In the meantime.... visualize JUMBO SHRIMP in your mind.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Time Marches On....

Where does the time go?? When do our babies grow up?? It hardly seems fair that you're wiping their bums one minute and the next handing them the car keys.....

Yesterday....the last of our children left single digits and ...entered double digit agedom. Yes...the baby turned 10. It's too late to go out and get another one and ....besides...they're not like puppies *sniff*....

So...the "baby" says to me.... I want to shave my legs 0_0. I tried to hold her off as long as I could because....well...let's face it...once you start, you're a slave to it for the rest of your life unless you join a granola cult.

My neighbor took an ethical stance and felt a child should be much older. I looked at this neighbor who gave me unsolicited advice and said " ethics aside, my child is hairy. Think HIRSUTE here. Think ELECTROLYSIS poster child.

So... I bought the "baby" a razor and watched her prance off to shave her legs.....all the while I'm thinking " you poor pathetic sucker... in a year'll be griping "


Oldest child has made a huge I am having bittersweet feelings over. Oldest child has decided NOT go to out for Soccer this summer and fall and focus on academics instead 0_0.

She has played soccer for 10 years *weep* Her position has mainly been goalie and I have LOVED watching her play it over the years. But alas...those days are over.

Jag and I told her it was her decision and told her we were fine either way.

On an up note...I won't have to do any fund raising or go to anymore Booster club meetings. Yahoo! But on the other hand... I sure will miss watching my child kick that ball downfield.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Dog Race Of Life

So.....the new neighbors 2 houses down have a dog the size of a football ( as would be easy to kick the thing for 50 yards ). Anyhoo....I see this dog in the street and try to shoo it back on the lawn. I mosey on up to the front door of the neighbor's house....door wide open etc ( screen door was attached *wink* ) answer to my doorbell. *SIGH*. So I get Cujo jr and I put him in the fenced yard ( I was soooooooooo doing my best Dog Whisperer on this cream puff ).


5 minutes later...Cujo is in MY yard. I yell for Jenna to entertain him because....well...she's always wanted a dog. She went to play with him and that mutt started running in circles like a mad cow. I swear this dog has ADD.

Jen could not catch him and she was not enjoying the dog....I yelled to her " you wanted a you're seeing how much fun they are ".....Then I have an 0_0 moment " what if that dog lays some "batteries" in my yard that "I" have to pick up!?!?" It was time for drastic measures.....


Jen and I cornered ole Yellar in the corner of our yard and I picked the bugger up - he had the nerve to snip and yap at me. Too bad fur're outta here!!

Then I took him and locked him out of our yard. I turned to Jen and said " we tried to save his life but if he becomes's not on us" 0_0


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Endora is Stalking Me!!

Linche - it's obvious you are stalking me. You show up on the BPPP board and now on my blog. Don't you have a Dunkin Donuts employee to harass? Don't you have a basket to make? Don't you have a Clay Aiken fan club meeting to go to??
If you don't stop your stalking...I shall be forced to call the FBI...or worse yet...Kahlik.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Curly Shuffle

Hey Moe!! Hey Moe - yuk yuk yuk!!

SIL didn't get the job she wanted at the Science Museum. Therefore, I've decided to become a Stooge until she is employed.

Logical? Not at all but it made sense when I went to type this post.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Just because....

SIL had a promising interview yesterday peeps!! They asked her back today to meet with HR!!

Meanwhile...I'm dreaming of Italy!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Remembering cont.

Just Thought Of You Today

I miss your lap :)

Friday, May 9, 2008

I know who the terrorists are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ohhhhh don't be fooled by those 2 in the picture!!! I have no idea who they are but.....they're terrorists and they're a threat to our national security!!! Osama is clever my friend!! Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry clever!!

After travelling in 2 different airports over the past weekend, I came to realize that anyone over 70 is a possible terrorist. Consistently, anyone over 70 is pulled over and wanded, frisked, patted down and made to do the hula hoop while gargling a gold fish without swallowing it.

Those innocent looking, yet deadly folks, were consistently pulled out of checkpoint lines. WANDED!!! Patted down!!! FRISKED!!! Suddenly, my father didn't seem so innocent and fun loving when the 22 year old security agent ( I have jeans older than this kid ) was frisking and patting my Dad down. It was a Brokeback Mountain moment for sure. He and my father did enjoy a camel afterwards though.

My Mother claims to have artificial knees - they had to be wanded too. My Dad claims to have a pace maker and a defibulator ( I don't even know how to spell it - but I'm sure it's deadly if used on innocent people ).

THEN it dawned on me....every elderly person was being wanded. It's a conspiracy!! They're out to get us all!! Those canes and walkers could harbor weapons!!!

Blue haired people be damned!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Some of you know, I flew out to Washington state last Friday; accompanying my aging parents on a visit to my brother and his wife...and to attend the college graduation of my beloved niece, Jordan.

I was dreading this trip more than you can imagine. My brother drives me insane and I specifically was not looking forward to staying at his house.

There's a long history there which I need not bore you folks with but suffice it to say....we go together like Bush and McCain ( least how they USED to go together 0_0 ). I flew with my parents to the great Northwest. I have to admit, I had a good time travelling with those 2 old birds. I was the designated driver so I got to boss them around ( sort of ironic when you think about it " We'll get there when we get there " 0_0 ...or " Didn't you JUST go the bathroom?? " ). At one point when I was parallel parking, I said "Could maybe one more person give me directions on how to do this because I'm thinking 2 is not enough" - My brother and Dad were telling me how to park and I was doing a fine job by myself tyvm.
We stayed in a Super 8 motel Friday night in Spokane ( my mother booked it and didn't know it was a less than stellar place to stay -- I think the bath towel covered one cheek of my abundant yet cute arse ). I knew she felt badly so I just sort of joked about it "'s not the Bates Hotel "
We then drove down to Pullman to Jordan's house for a pre-graduation reunion of sorts. I knew Jordan's mother, stepfather and 2 half siblings would be there and I was anxious about that. I hadn't seen "Jane" ( actually, that IS her real name ) for nearly 17 - 18 years. I had adored her when my brother was married to her and missed her over the years. As much as I had tried to connect with his second wife, she just wasn't "Jane" and I missed the talks we used to have. In addition, I had heard great things about her husband and was excited to finally meet him as well. Plus, the 2 children ( ages 7 and 3 ) would be fun for me to meet - I sort of enjoy kids 0_0
I found myself being a big nervous as I walked into Jordan's house.....then I saw Jane. It was if time had not passed. We hugged each other and it was like a "reconnecting" had already begun. We chatted and exchanged stories about our lives etc. I met her wonderful husband ( loved him immediately ) and met their 2 children ( 2 of the sweetest and cutest kids I had ever met ).
Then my brother and his wife showed up - naturally, they were both impeccably dressed in the latest and coolest fashions. They looked great as usual. Hugs and greetings exchanged. Pictures taken of the graduate with both of her " families " ...then we prepared to head over to the graduation.
My niece, Jordan, suddenly was bossing everyone. "Papa and Grandma, you ride with my Dad after graduation and head down to Walla Walla. I'll ride with Tee ( her name for me ) and return my gown etc and then follow you down " Her mom, stepdad and sibs would come down later. I wondered about this arrangement but said "okey dokey "
We went to her graduation and after waving at the wrong young woman for 20 minutes we finally "found" Jordan and waved our silly arms off at her. ( side note - I didn't exactly think it was Jordan we were waving at for the first 20 min but I am sort of visually challenged and I figured my brother KNEW his kid better than I did 0_0 ).
After the graduation ceremony was over, we went out into the sun and took more pictures and yacked some more. Finally, we loaded in our vehicles and prepared to make the trip down to Walla Walla.
As it turned out....Jordan and I had a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng talk on that nearly 2 hour drive. She talked about her future....about hoping to find love....and...about her feelings for her Dad ( ie him "abandoning" her as a child ). She told me she finally realized she was angry at him because she found herself sniping at him all the time. Apparently, they were at some gathering and she did something exceptionally which he turned to a bystander and said " I must of raised her right " and she snapped " You didn't raise me " 0_0. I listened to this and let her share how she finally confronted him and how they came back together with a new understanding. As gently as I could, I said to her " I want to reaffirm to you that others saw what happened to you as a child and you have every right to have/had the feelings you do/ broke my heart when your parents split up and I worried about you terribly ". She also shared how her Dad said his feelings had been hurt by her sniping at him. I then ( maybe I overstepped here ) said to her " the feelings of a 40+ adult ; one that has more tools and skills at coping...are different than the hurt feelings of a child "
We talked about many more things but I won't bore you with the details...only to say ...I felt I had recovered the closeness with my niece that I had felt with her when she was a child. She first baby.
We arrive in Walla Walla and prepare for the "party" in honor of Jordan's graduation. My brother and his wife, naturally have a gorgeous house ( parts of it could be in a style magazine ). Everything appears as it should....yet...I never quite felt at home there. Maybe it was the sleekness of it or....the 2 giant great danes that roam the place 0_0. ( I did practice the Dog Whisperer on those 2 girls and they didn't mess with me. When I say " ride a dog save a cowboy " you get the drift on the size of those 2 dames ).
Jane and crew arrived later. was old home week for her and me ( at least it was for me ). We talked for hours ( kids coming and going....people walking in and out of our circle.... eating....etc ). She has become a natural healer of sorts and she reached over and told me " I see silver light shooting out all around you - it's quite fascinating to watch. I've never seen that color around someone before. It's like a star " 0_0. Now....she knows I am open-minded and receptive to this sort of stuff or she never would have said anything to me. So...we were off on another topic with her giving me a "mini" reading of sorts ( I'm still processing all that -- it's all good worries folks. Just a lot of info to absorb ). The night went on and when it was time for her and her family to leave she said quietly to me " do you want to see God or feel God? " . 0_0 I had to think for a moment and I gave my first logical response that popped into my head " well, I am so visual...I want to see God "
The next morning...I woke up and my first thought was " to feel God is to see God! " ....then I got it. It was like a lightbulb. I had been neglecting myself and my own spirituality for quite some time. I had some work to do and I was ready to do it. Also, I had a great deal of peace that morning. I also realized that a great deal of the anger I had been harboring at my brother was over the loss of Jane. I cannot completely describe how liberating that was to realize that. I had no idea how much I had missed her until I saw her again. I had been holding a grudge toward my brother and I had built a wall around myself against his second wife because she was not Jane ( my loyalty might have gotten in the way here ). It's odd but I found myself looking differently at those 2 the next day. Yes.... I still saw some of the pretentiousness and I saw the silly way they talked to their dogs but.... it no longer bothered me. I just went with it and lived in the NOW ( Jag and I toss that around at each other during stressful situations " LIVE IN THE NOW HONEY!! " )
I've rambled here but I hope you get the gist of how my weekend was. It was much better than I expected and.... I learned something along the way.