Ohhhhh don't be fooled by those 2 in the picture!!! I have no idea who they are but.....they're terrorists and they're a threat to our national security!!! Osama is clever my friend!! Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry clever!!
After travelling in 2 different airports over the past weekend, I came to realize that anyone over 70 is a possible terrorist. Consistently, anyone over 70 is pulled over and wanded, frisked, patted down and made to do the hula hoop while gargling a gold fish without swallowing it.
Those innocent looking, yet deadly folks, were consistently pulled out of checkpoint lines. WANDED!!! Patted down!!! FRISKED!!! Suddenly, my father didn't seem so innocent and fun loving when the 22 year old security agent ( I have jeans older than this kid ) was frisking and patting my Dad down. It was a Brokeback Mountain moment for sure. He and my father did enjoy a camel afterwards though.
My Mother claims to have artificial knees - they had to be wanded too. My Dad claims to have a pace maker and a defibulator ( I don't even know how to spell it - but I'm sure it's deadly if used on innocent people ).
THEN it dawned on me....every elderly person was being wanded. It's a conspiracy!! They're out to get us all!! Those canes and walkers could harbor weapons!!!
Blue haired people be damned!!
Well, Osama does have a long gray beard. He's no spring chicken - so it only makes sense to frisk the elderly if ya ask me.
I always thought my Dad had a dark side. As for my mother, I think she's been part of a drug cartel for years.
I can see you came from terrorist stock,lol.
Wick - I'm tellin ya - your Mom is a terrorist. Fear her.
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