Where does the time go?? When do our babies grow up?? It hardly seems fair that you're wiping their bums one minute and the next handing them the car keys.....
Yesterday....the last of our children left single digits and ...entered double digit agedom. Yes...the baby turned 10. It's too late to go out and get another one and ....besides...they're not like puppies *sniff*....
So...the "baby" says to me.... I want to shave my legs 0_0. I tried to hold her off as long as I could because....well...let's face it...once you start, you're a slave to it for the rest of your life unless you join a granola cult.
My neighbor took an ethical stance and felt a child should be much older. I looked at this neighbor who gave me unsolicited advice and said " ethics aside, my child is hairy. Think HIRSUTE here. Think ELECTROLYSIS poster child.
So... I bought the "baby" a razor and watched her prance off to shave her legs.....all the while I'm thinking " you poor pathetic sucker... in a year ...you'll be griping "
Oldest child has made a huge decision....one I am having bittersweet feelings over. Oldest child has decided NOT go to out for Soccer this summer and fall and focus on academics instead 0_0.
She has played soccer for 10 years *weep* Her position has mainly been goalie and I have LOVED watching her play it over the years. But alas...those days are over.
Jag and I told her it was her decision and told her we were fine either way.
On an up note...I won't have to do any fund raising or go to anymore Booster club meetings. Yahoo! But on the other hand... I sure will miss watching my child kick that ball downfield.
How could Jenna be Double Digits ?!?!?!
MM that means we have known each other over 8 yrs now 0_0
Happy Birthday Jenna.
Had to be a tough thing for Rach to give up soccer , but I'm sure the payoff will be great in the end.
Ohmystars - SHAVING?
That'll be my kid in a year. weep
sniff - no more soccer? Does Jenna do it? It's the end of an era!!
Jenna is still in soccer. I still have one child left to live my dreams of being PELE through.
lol Pele!
Happy Birthday!
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