I must be in a quirky mood because I've been ravaged by random thoughts lately - none of which are important in the whole scheme of things. Yet, my mind is in a state of unrest....
For instance..... today, as I was driving by the local antiques auction place, I thought " I bet folks, like me , that grew up in old farm houses and USED some of that stuff they're selling aren't big buyers of that junk " ( YES I said JUNK. Oh I suppose it's got some value to someone and I've been known to pick up my fair share of junk along the way but most of my friends that are gung ho over antiques grew up in nicer ( ahhem...maybe newer is the better word ) than I did. I have friends that decorate their entire homes in someone's old stuff that got sold when they died off in the 1930's. So ends thought number 1.
Thought #2 - I don't watch soap operas. Not even night time ones. I can't even get interested in them. Then it dawned on me.... my interest in those type of shows died when my own life became a drama circus. ( Message boards don't count because you get to participate IN the dramas ). I don't really like most reality shows either so....I'm not sure what to make of myself. End of thought #2.
Thought #3 - Do you ever notice that the older you get, the more stuff gets caught in your teeth?? Is that because we're eating more sticky stuff or because our teeth are moving and getting all crooked again? 0_0 It's just not cool to be smiling at someone and come home and see you have a hunk of brocoli in between the incisors.
Thought #4 - Is it fair to still get acne in your 40's?? This seems like a MAJOR design flaw to me. Either that, or it's a damned cruel joke. Does one opt for the anti-wrinkle cream or the clearsil?? These are important issues for humanity to ponder.....
Thought # 5 - As weight goes UP...why do things sag DOWNWARD?? An oxymoron in my mind. Yet...another design flaw.
Thought # 6 - Where I live, I've noticed that if it's 100 degrees out, no one cares if they have to park gazillion spaces away from the entrance of a store. However, if it's 50 below zero, we all fight for the closest spot. I guess the fear of having your nose drop off or your eyelids freezing shut as you run into the store for a gallon of milk is a different story altogether.
As you can see, I've had a lot on my mind. I'm sure I'll have more important issues to ponder as the week goes on....and I'll be sure to keep you all posted.......
In the meantime.... visualize JUMBO SHRIMP in your mind.
OK - I have to try to remember all your points, here. They were very funny!
You might not watch soap operas anymore (when I first met you, you were still watching ER) but you DO like interpersonal dramas. You have to admit, you are often IN soap operas - so I can see why you wouldn't like to watch them.
Umm - what else did you write? Uhhhh - let me open another tab. sigh
OK - backing up to antiques...I cannot think of them now w/o remembering Christiques from Starting Over. Do you remember that?
I grew up in an old home and collect some Am-tiques. ROFL I collect what reminds me of my great aunt's home growing up. I know when my mom has collected, she'll say something like, "Oh - my grandmother had this!!" and will reminisce. I don't think either of us wants old things for old things' sake, but we like the memory of the person. Make sense?
And yes, my mom too will say, "This was such garbage!" She makes that comment every time she sees carnival glass for sale.
I don't know about the food in the teeth thing. Maybe I always had it and just was too dumb to know? Or maybe my gums are rebelling and mocking me. That is a good point you raise.
I've never really gotten much acne - so, I suspect I'll look like a 12 year old in my 40s. You've gotta pay the price at some point. I think it'll suck to have acne AND those freaky lines around my mouth that lipstick will bleed into. Good times.
I'm a total chubette at the moment at my boobs are at my ankles. I hope to lose 30 lbs and see if I can get them up to my knees.
In FL - we ALWAYS park in the shade. Doesn't matter how close it is to the store - just get in the shade. And now, I am very in love for my remote starter and A/C blowing on me when I open the door to get in. aaaaahhhh
I THINK that was it!
Occasionally, I still catch an episode of ER ....and I SUPPOSE 0_0 one MIGHT call it a soap opera but I was thinking more along the lines of those daytime shows and such. Naturally, I do get into my fair share of dramas so obviously....I'd rather be IN one than watch one.
As for antiques....I even OWN some but most are inherited pieces with sentimental value so...yes I get what you're saying. One guy's junk is another guy's treasure.
Random thoughts are cool! lol
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