Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Yet another thing to hate...

There HAS to be a man behind this!!
I live in the part of the country where they flush the fire hydrants and clean the streets in the spring. Well......... that leaves water in your toilet that looks like someone needs to add more WATER to their daily diet; water in your wash machine that looks like Apple Juice concentrate....yadda yadda.
The SAD thing is I waited 2 days to do my white laundry - my toilets looked better so I figured I was safe. I started the washer and tossed in Jag's white button down Ralph Lauren suit shirt and a few other WHITE articles of clothing....only to watch water the color of brewed tea enter the realm of my washer.
Somehow...somewhere... a man is behing this. I just know it!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

What NOT to Wear.....

Riddle me this oh wise souls....why do women over 45 - 50 think they can wear mini dresses?? Further, why do they think they can wear low cut ones with shimmery stuff all over them?? was a wild night at the BALL - epecially if you were a correspondent for WHAT NOT TO WEAR. Holy moly - aye yie yie - do most folks not have a good perspective on how they appear to others??
I saw more sagging breasts and ancient thighs than I care to for the rest of my life. It was like a geriatric exotic dancer reunion for some of these women. Hand em a pole and watch them slide down it ( throwing a hip out in the process ).
Don't get me wrong - most folks know how to dress and carry themselves but those aren't the ones we want to discuss ...nor are those the ones we keep staring at with our jaw on the floor the whole night.
Oh...and note to self - never bid on any silent auction items after a few glasses of champagne hastily gulped down....or you may be pleasantly surprised later.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I'm going to THE BALL...oh yes I surely am!!

Oh yes kids....I'm going to a BALL tonight. It's for Jag's work ** groan **. It's at the Zoo for some fundraiser thingie.

I am just NOT ( did I mention NOT ) the "BALL" type. I'm more the Lucille Ball type. What does one wear to these things?? Luckily, it snowed last night ( oh yes, Minnesota spring is a riot ) so I can wear one of my winter dressy get-ups. Jag, naturally, bought a tux. Now...I'm thinking....why buy one when you can rent one?? But he looked at me like I was Lucille Ball. *shrug*

So's either have a root canal or go to THE BALL... I am voting for the BALL since I get free food and drink and the stinkin' dentist doesn't provide that.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Viva Italiano!!!!

Ciao Mon!!
Our oldest is going on a choir trip in 2009 to Italy - whoooooooooohooooooooo!!!
Jag approached me last night about the both of us going along on what they call the "SHADOW TOUR" for parents ( in other words - we go to the same sites and cool places the kids do but we have no curfew -- I am picturing Jag and I frolicking in the Trevi Fountain or making out in the Pope's backyard - am I wrong to think such things?? )
I'm thinking that since I am Catholic, I should request an audience with the Pope and ask the important questions we've all been wondering.....
1. What do you wear under that robe - boxers or briefs??
2. What were you thinking by wearing those red shoe like things while on tour of the U.S.??
3. Who hears a Pope's confession??
4. Does the Vatican have a dart board with Martin Luther's picture on it in the game room??
As you can see, I've given these matters serious thought and I think it's time we all got answers!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Are we proud or what!?!?!?!?

Rachel is lettering in academics!!! We are invited to a ceremony on the 29th!! Whoooooooooooohoooooooooooooo!!

Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Looking for Space......

I've been a good sport....and my SIL has been a good houseguest.....but it's been 6 months now and I think it's time the universe bless her with a job :)

Don't get me wrong - in many ways it's been great having her here. I have a built in chef ( she is an excellent cook ) and someone to watch movies with etc. However, I can tell it's wearing on her to live here and changes the dynamics of my family life as well.

I find myself being a bit miffed at Jag for no reason - I suppose it's because he's a safe person to dump this on. I also am keenly aware how he would be acting if this was MY sibling living with us 0_0
I am praying that her interview next week ( on the 23rd ) finally lands her a job. I know she REALLY wants this one and she has a good "in" because of a connection with Jag's job. Cross your fingers everyone!
Thank you for letting me vent :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bon Voyage Drama and Mama!! ( tee hee...that rhymed! )

Bon Voyage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great vacation girls!! We'll miss you back here!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Jag - The Continuing Saga of THE STOMACH TURNS

Some of you know, Jag came home Holy Thursday with gut rot from work. Why is this significant? Well, in the 19 years I have known him, I think he's missed maybe 2 days from work due to being sick. The man never takes a day off unless it's a planned him to come driving in the garage in the middle of the day, I knew he had to be sick.

We chalked it up to the intestinal flu or to food poisoning. *Shrug*

Until....he came home Wednesday with the same thing. The man is having some serious pain in his tummy. He did go to work yesterday and today but I see the Pepto Bismal bottle on my counter mocking me this morning ( which means he got up in the middle of the night and took a shot of it ).

He is mainly complaining of cramps that double him over.

I think it's time to see a doctor - any thoughts?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mama Needs To Clean More....

Mama has tagged me in her game of " quote the book "

The rules she posted:

The rules of the game go like so:
1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages long.)
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence.
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog
5. Tag 5 friends to do the same!

My book is "The Speed of Light"

My sentence: "Did Mom ever teach you to count down into your sleep?"

On the message board, I tagged:

1. Gee
2. Eliza
3. BA
4. Sid
5. Birthmark

Friday, April 4, 2008

This is to mother you....


Disclaimer - the lyric " I will do what your mother didn't do " is not to imply anything against anyone's mother. Instead, I like to think of it more as " I will do what your mother can't or isn't able to do "..... I interpret this song more of a friendship song than a lover song.

Dedicated to all my friends:

This is to mother you

To comfort you and get you through

Through when your nights are lonely,

Through when your dreams are only blue,

This is to mother you.....

This is to be with you,

To hold you and kiss you too,

For when you need me I will do,

what your own mother did not do,

Which is to mother you....

All the pain you have known,

All the violence in your soul,

All the wrong things you have done,

I will take from you when I come....

All mistakes made in distress,

All your unhappiness I will take away

with my kiss, yes, I will give you


For child I am so glad that I found you,

Although, my arms have always been

around you,

Sweet bird, although you didn't see me,

I saw you....

And I am here to mother you -

To comfort you and get you through,

Through when your nights are lonely,

Through when your dreams are blue...

This is to mother you

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Light a Candle

Light a Candle - and send positive thoughts out into the universe today.

Mamamormon's Mama is in the hospital and she ( and her family ) can use all the positive energy we can muster up and send their way.
In my religion's tradition, a lit candle symbolizes the special intentions we have in our heart and soul for someone else. It is a visual reminder that we are "concentrating", "focusing", or meditating about someone else or some issue. It need not be a blessed candle although I do buy special candles for this purpose ( check out the hispanic aisle of your grocery store ). I buy them because it helps me remind me that I am especially focusing on something other than trying to add a pleasant fragrance to my home :) Mama and Kahlik have razzed me a bit about my "candles" but they bring me comfort and keep my otherwise scattered brain focused on my special intentions.
Light your candles people!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008



Keep a special friend and her family in your thoughts/prayers.

~ T