Monday, October 20, 2008

Teacher's Pet?? You decide....

Jag and I went to Jen's parent teacher conference last week. You never really know what to expect at these things but in general....they run about the same. They show you the stuff your child does well in and the stuff they need to work on etc.

We arrive and the teacher looks at us and says " Can I just say what a lovely young lady you have there " 0_0

How did Jag and I respond?? With hysterical laughter. I'm sure most of you will agree that we did not have the most appropriate response at that moment but it was honest ( had this teacher, who appeared capable and alert, mistaken our child with someone else?? ).

It only got better from there --- Mrs. Anderson ( there has to be a million teachers in Minnesota with that name ) says " When Jenna speaks, you just have to listen. She's so profound and she's really a thinker " 0_0

Jag and I supressed giggles and tried to take the rest of the conference in with seriousness and with the respect it deserved.

Apparently, our child is a genius in math but sucks at spelling ( just in case you were curious how she was doing besides being the teacher's pet ).

No teacher ever adored me - not one stinking one.

Jackie - can I be your pet?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Child - The Rebel

You know...I try...I REALLY try to be a good mother and set a good example. Don't look at me like that!! I really do!! I set limits....I set boundaries... I have consequences for inappropriate behavior....I talk about strong and inspiring women to our girls....which brings me to the topic of this thread.

I was in charge of the Girl Scout meeting tonight for Jen's troop ( of course, 3 other Moms were helping but for some reason I was sort of cast as the leader of the "pack" - again, I ask that you NOT look at me like that!! I swear I did not try to control the whole thing.....ok maybe I did a smidge but they all wanted to talk about the approaching election at the planning meeting and it was MOI that kept them on task.......oh now I see doubt written on your face just as my husband had when I told him this story but I swear on my favorite's true. ).....anyway...our topic was on being a healthy person inside and out and having positive female role models. One assignment I gave the girls ( 14 of them ) was to name women they consider to be role models in their own lives and then come to the meeting and share this 0_0

As we went around the room....hearing "my Mom"....."my Grandma"...."Madame Currie" ( no one really said that but pretend they did because it will make the story funnier )....."My teacher".....Maya Angelou ( with me here ).....and we get to MY CHERUB.....can you guess?? Can you guess who my child's role model is??? I had no idea before this meeting......Come on ...take a guess......

Give up??

My child said PINK 0_0 I am choosing to see this is a good thing. It is isn't it?? Please tell me it is!!! Pink has a potty mouth but she's a strong woman right????

Aye yie yie.

Later in the meeting, we had the girls write positive statements about each girl. Can you guess what every girl said about my cherub??? Here's an example:

1. You're funny

2. You have a sence of hammer ( spelling is not a virtue in Girl Scouts ).

3. You make me laugh

4. You're the funniest girl in the world

At that last one, I looked at the author ( Abbey) and said " in the Whoooooooooole world?? Not just the USA?? Not just Minnesota?? But...the whhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooole world?" Abbey assured me this was true.

Obviously....Jag's genes are at play here.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Mistaken Identity 0_0

I'm not even sure if this will make sense ...but here goes.
Apparently, there is another Mark's Mom in the twin cities area. I know this because I occasionally get her phone calls. A year ago, I even got a call from her doctor giving her ( me ) her test results and they weren't good ( cancer ). I had to explain that he had the wrong number yadda yadda.
Fast forward to my mailbox is a card addressed to Mark's Mom and some dude's name. I was puzzled...opened it and it read:
Mark's Mom and Joel:
We found out about the challenges you both are facing with cancer last weekend - very sorry to learn about them. You are both on our minds and we wish you favorable (can't read word )
-Michele and Ron
Oh mannnnnnn....someone sent a nice card to someone thinking the person got it and they didn't get it - now what? I looked at the return address -- nice...their last name was like SMITH but not SMITH. SIGH.
I did an internet search and found them though!! I called and said " hi, my name is Mark's Mom but I'm not the Mark's mom you are looking for. Yadda yadda just thought you'd want to know that I got the card by mistake "
What's it mean Jackie?? Is there another me in a parallel universe?????
Isn't that an odd story???

Thursday, October 2, 2008


God Love Ya!!
Mama and I have decided that Joe Biden is the best comedy act going in this year's election - but no one knows about it!!
Now....let me be clear....I'm a diehard Dem and I genuinely LIKE Biden but he makes some major gaffes that send me into hysterics. For example, he was giving a speech and told a man in a wheel chair to "STAND UP"....when he realized what he had done he said " Oh God Love Ya " ( it KILLS me everytime I see it ). Go to youtube and type in JOE BIDEN and wheelchair if you're interested.
I firmly believe Biden is a smart man and knows what he's talking about most of the time...but he makes some major funny gaffes. To be honest...I identify with him and, I am a female Joe Biden ( sans the balding head and the different bits and pieces ).
I will be watching the debate tonight hoping that Joe doesn't gaffe too much....He can save those moments for the road.
Jenna is going through the sacrament of RECONCILIATION in our church ( it used to be called CONFESSION in my day ). Basically, the sacrament involves reflecting on your life and "sins" ( errors etc ) you have made and how you seek to reconcile yourself with God and your fellow human beings.
We attended a workshop last weekend on this and Jenna naturally is full of questions. They had a handout that showed children standing in line waiting to have their " reconciliation " with the cherub said " Can't I just phone it in??"
Jenna has to have a mole removed and she is behaving as if she is having an arm amputated. She is referring to it as her upcoming "surgery". I've told her to knock it off and buck it up but the appeal to use this for drama is too dang tempting for her. She actually wondered why I couldn't just remove it at home for her - ummmm NO.
Mark turns 14 Saturday - whooooooooohoooooooo. His birthday used to be bittersweet for me. On the one hand, we're thrilled he is growing up and proud as heck to have him as our child. On the other hand, birthdays used to mean "yet another year Mark is still autistic ". However, I seem to have moved past that. I'm totally pumped for his birthday and totally cool with the autism thing. In fact, I think I shall convert. Yall can just cater to me from now on.
Those are my ramblings for now - if I think of anything else sorta ....semi....kinda interesting, I'll post.