Saturday, July 26, 2008

Jag is a naughty boy!!

This is what happens when your husband grabs your bum during phototaking ..........he is DTM

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Oh yes she did!!!

Our youngest SHAVED off her eyebrows. OH YES SHE DID!!! She tried to tell me she had plucked them ( why she did this... I dunno!! Someone told her she had bushy eyebrows and the genius in her said " SHAVE THEM OFF " ).
She now looks like she's going through chemo therapy.
Did I give her empathy and provide gentle support through all this?? HECK NO!! I told her that the next time she felt like shaving something off 0_0 ....she needed to speak to me first.
I'm thinking if we put a turbin on her head and have her sit on the corner with a tin cup, we could make a few bucks.

Friday, July 18, 2008

FINALLY!! A Family Picture!!

I've been wanting a family group picture but...alas...autistic kids hate to have their picture taken. However, I figured we had a "shot" at the Group Home picnic with all the outside help to get Mark focused and "sat down".
We had a photographer there as well ( a friend of Kevin's -- Kev is the group manager ). The above shot was taken with Jag's digital by a staff person at the picnic.
I'm tickled pink to have all of us in a photo!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

You aren't ANYBODY until you have someone stalking you on the net!!

That's right folks. I have my own bunny boiler internet stalker. "She" claims to be a "she" but my gut thinks "she" is really a repressed homosexual guy that has a mother fixation. My stalker can't go 2 posts without a gay reference ( or a sexual one ).

Many of us posted on "her" board until we figured out she was a nutter ( yes....I'm slow on the uptake ). I have no idea why she became obsessed with me but..... "she" did ( lucky me!! ).

I generally ignore the posts she makes on other boards because I don't want to engage her on any level.

She has posted on BPPP with at least 2 additional names - the IP numbers didn't match but ....the nutters are always smarter than the sane ones on how to get around that.

I'm leaving for a few days tomorrow - good time to get out a town mon!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Jackie... you KILL me!!!

Jackie - Sadly, I cannot amuse you today. I have come to ask YOUR advice. My baby failed her driving test by 4 points today ( who knew you need to stop at a red light before you turn right 0_0 ).....and who the monkey needs to know how to do a 90 degree back in parking job???

The child is feeling dejected and sadly.... I sort of felt she would fail. *SIGH*.....not because she's not capable but because (1) she had called and told all her friends she was taking the road test ( big mistake in my book - the heavens like to monkey with you when you are sure of something ) and (2.) she was a nervous wreck. It was like she was going for a root canal or something.

My urge is to have her out driving as soon as possible again.....sort of like the GET BACK ON THE HORSE idea??

Any feedback??

P.S. Funny, I always felt Mama was put on earth to entertain me!! She needs to post a new entry on her blog!!