Saturday, December 27, 2008
What Happens When You Get Sick Over Christmas????
My family flew out to New Mexico yesterday.....alas...I was too sick to fly. I was in bed most of the day on the 25th. Just a bad cold mon....bad cold!!
I am flying out to NM tomorrow on a later flight. I feel better but my right ear is plugged. It can't be as bad as labor right?? I know landing will be tough but I will buck it up...
Merry ACHOO Christmas!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Oh Man - I LOVE Me A Man With A Snow Plow

Some women love furs.....some love jewels....some love dollar bills.....GIVE ME A MAN WITH A SNOW PLOW!!!
Jag is outta town and I was just out trying to scrape off the half foot of snow ( yes ...gorgeous and fluffy. I always like it until December 26th and then it must go! ) when I hear " Hang on Theresa!! I'm coming!! " and like a knight on a noble stead he came!! My hero!! TIM!! He has a plow on the front of a riding mower. I am having evil thoughts while my husband is away...... I can be bought with hasty snow removal services.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Anniversary Time

I'm biologically related to 3 people in that photo above - now you know where I got some of my more "interesting" features 0_0
Tomorrow, Jag and I will have been married 19 years. I really adore the guy - not only am I in love with him, I happen to like and enjoy him.
We went to a Fraser fund raiser Saturday night ( a wonderful center in our area that helps special needs kids; autistic folks in particular. Mark went there for 5 years ).
As you might imagine, it's an evening full of an array of emotions for us. It brings up memories for us that are mostly wonderful but some are painful. We get to run into old friends and take a stroll down memory lane ( we ran into our former A.S.S. members...... folks that we used to hang out with once a month so our autistic kids could be with other families that didn't freak out over someone banging their head against a wall. Oh...and btw, A.S.S. stands for Autistic Social Society -- naturally, I coined our title after a margarita or 2. We've also been known to burn a book or two ).
One father got up and gave a talk on how it was to raise his special needs son -- he read the HOLLAND poem which brought the house down. He then read it again and applied it to his own life with his son and he couldn't get through it - the man was reduced to tears. Not a dry eye in the place.
Later - the director of Fraser took the stage and asked everyone to stand that knew someone with autism ( there were probably 800 people there )....3/4 of the room stood up. Amazing actually. She said ( and I may have mucked this up a bit ) that every 20 minutes, 12 children are diagnosed with autism. It's at an epidemic rate in this country - yet funding is down for research and programs.
What does this have to do with Jag and me and our Anniversary??? I'm so very thankful to be married to someone who has my back on this journey and who quietly grabs my hand at galas like this to remind me he is with me and cherishes me.
Below - is a copy of HOLLAND:
I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this......
When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.
After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."
"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."
But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.
The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.
So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.
It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.
But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."
And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.
But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Why I haven't been posting....
Our good friend Paul died rather suddenly Tuesday morning from complications of ALS. While we all knew he would eventually pass from this horrible disease, his death came sooner than we all imagined. He had just started to lose muscle control in his neck and face. He hadn't yet made the decision on whether to be put on a trach or not.
Early Tuesday morning - he wanted to use the bathroom. His wife and adult daughter were in the process of helping him when he went into distress. They were unable to tell what he was trying to communicate to them ( he had lost the ability to speak a year ago ) and he suffocated in front of them. Very tragic.
Then....Friday night, my brother called to tell me my 102 year old Grandma had died.
We're a bit emotionally spent here at the moment. But never fear....I will be back and post you some meaningless but sort of cute stories.
Jackie - I think you are my biggest fan :)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Teacher's Pet?? You decide....

Jag and I went to Jen's parent teacher conference last week. You never really know what to expect at these things but in general....they run about the same. They show you the stuff your child does well in and the stuff they need to work on etc.
We arrive and the teacher looks at us and says " Can I just say what a lovely young lady you have there " 0_0
How did Jag and I respond?? With hysterical laughter. I'm sure most of you will agree that we did not have the most appropriate response at that moment but it was honest ( had this teacher, who appeared capable and alert, mistaken our child with someone else?? ).
It only got better from there --- Mrs. Anderson ( there has to be a million teachers in Minnesota with that name ) says " When Jenna speaks, you just have to listen. She's so profound and she's really a thinker " 0_0
Jag and I supressed giggles and tried to take the rest of the conference in with seriousness and with the respect it deserved.
Apparently, our child is a genius in math but sucks at spelling ( just in case you were curious how she was doing besides being the teacher's pet ).
No teacher ever adored me - not one stinking one.
Jackie - can I be your pet?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My Child - The Rebel

You know...I try...I REALLY try to be a good mother and set a good example. Don't look at me like that!! I really do!! I set limits....I set boundaries... I have consequences for inappropriate behavior....I talk about strong and inspiring women to our girls....which brings me to the topic of this thread.
I was in charge of the Girl Scout meeting tonight for Jen's troop ( of course, 3 other Moms were helping but for some reason I was sort of cast as the leader of the "pack" - again, I ask that you NOT look at me like that!! I swear I did not try to control the whole thing.....ok maybe I did a smidge but they all wanted to talk about the approaching election at the planning meeting and it was MOI that kept them on task.......oh now I see doubt written on your face just as my husband had when I told him this story but I swear on my favorite's true. ).....anyway...our topic was on being a healthy person inside and out and having positive female role models. One assignment I gave the girls ( 14 of them ) was to name women they consider to be role models in their own lives and then come to the meeting and share this 0_0
As we went around the room....hearing "my Mom"....."my Grandma"...."Madame Currie" ( no one really said that but pretend they did because it will make the story funnier )....."My teacher".....Maya Angelou ( with me here ).....and we get to MY CHERUB.....can you guess?? Can you guess who my child's role model is??? I had no idea before this meeting......Come on ...take a guess......
Give up??
My child said PINK 0_0 I am choosing to see this is a good thing. It is isn't it?? Please tell me it is!!! Pink has a potty mouth but she's a strong woman right????
Aye yie yie.
Later in the meeting, we had the girls write positive statements about each girl. Can you guess what every girl said about my cherub??? Here's an example:
1. You're funny
2. You have a sence of hammer ( spelling is not a virtue in Girl Scouts ).
3. You make me laugh
4. You're the funniest girl in the world
At that last one, I looked at the author ( Abbey) and said " in the Whoooooooooole world?? Not just the USA?? Not just Minnesota?? But...the whhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooole world?" Abbey assured me this was true.
Obviously....Jag's genes are at play here.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Mistaken Identity 0_0
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Life in the slow lane....
Major....Major...Major cool thing happened at our house last night. Hopefully, yall will get the significance of this event..... Mark was home last night and in an awesome mood. He got some ice cream out of our larger freezer. It was like a brick and he was trying his best to dip some out in a bowl. He touched my shoulder and said "Help peese" . THIS IS HUGE!! It's the first spontaneous, non-prompted sentence he has ever said to me. He got high fives for that one!!
Some of you heard this one already but Jenna had a good one the other night. Rachel came home asking for 70 bucks for Vivace ( no...that's not Versaci for the middle class - it's a choral group ). Rachel, hates to ask for money and acts guilty as if she's sending us into the poor house. Jenna pipes up " Rachel always asks for money...she's a liability ". 0_0
Rachel is going to Homecoming with a group of friends this year and has no date. I think that's swell btw. Last night, she went to a party at her friend's house....she came home and said "Mom, all of these girls were hugging Sam and Josh ( good friends of her's ) and I sort of like Sam but I didn't do that. I just didn't feel like doing that - was I right?" ....Yes Baby, you did the right thing. No huggin on boys and not sending mixed messages works for me.
Jenna wants to start her own religion. I can really not see an effective argument of why she shouldn't do this. Although....I can see her angling it for a way to get donations.
That's about it from life in the slow lane. Grandma is sleeping most of her days away but that's not a bad way to go out. Mark broke a window on a bus a week ago with his head but....we got through it and the bus driver seemed cool. Windows are over - rated.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Rollercoaster

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Mom....I've got something to tell you and I don't know if you're gonna like it..... 0_0

Marksmomm says " ok - what is it?"
Jenna " Well, I think I'm too old to have you lay with me at night. From now on.... I think I should put myself to bed"
Jenna " How do you feel about that?? Are you going to be ok? "
My baby is not a baby - can I rent one of Mama's???
Sunday, August 17, 2008
It's a comin'..............

The crickets have been chirping during the day......the locusts are starting to sing....the grasshoppers are starting to act all mums are already starting to bloom......
Fall is coming. Which, in and of itself, is a beautiful thing ....but.....right behind fall comes.......
Sob city!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Well Alrighty Then..... 0_0
Matthew McConaughey says the birth of his son will help bring a little joy to others in the world someday. The actor kept the placenta from the July birth of his son and plans to plant it in an orchard, he tells CNN's "House Call with Dr. Sanjay Gupta" in interview scheduled to air in two parts Aug. 9 and Aug 16.
McConaughey says he hopes it will fertilize the land, a ritual long followed in several cultures.
"It's going to be in the orchards and it's going to bear some wonderful fruit," he says, according to an interview transcript.
Ok then.....
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Sometimes......Life is not all that interesting
Ummm my life is not really interesting this week. I vacuumed....I dusted....I did laundry..... I killed a spider..... I showered ( it had been a week after all ).....I cooked....I ran a child to soccer.... I yakked with other soccer moms.... I hid my shock when a mom said she didn't want her daughter going to another child's bday party because she thought the child was "weird" ( I told her Jenna was going because we would not contribute to a kid being sad because no one showed up ).....I got in over my head on a message board debate over gun control ( I've decided that I'm wrong and we all should be packing heat. The next time someone cuts me off in traffic *BANG* right in the front tires .......I over ate.....I did not work out.... I didn't read a book ( despite about 20 waiting on my book shelves for me to read )..... I listened to my neighbors discuss yet another unplanned pregnancy with one of our neighbor's son's and his gf..... I saw a homeless man and felt badly for him.....I scheduled Mark for a neuro appt and for allergy testing .....I've had insomnia for the past 2 nights due to hormones ( further proof that God is indeed a man and has a sick sense of humor.)....I ordered my Step Mother In Law a birthday gift because I knew my husband wouldn't want to and wouldn't get around to it...... I sent both girls to their rooms for being monsters.....I refused to let Rachel drive all over town ( and I found out I'm the strictest mom in town...COOL! ).....I had someone tell me I didn't look 47 ( that felt good because I could tell she meant it. I needed to hear that on that particular day ).....I balanced my checkbook and realized that I was a bit too generous over the past 2 weeks 0_0....I watched PROJECT RUNWAY with my girls ( and because I know Mama likes it.... I watched just to see Tim Gunn say MAKE IT WORK )....I had a call from a friend on vacation on her way to buy liquor 0_0........
Basically....I have writer's block *weep*

Saturday, August 2, 2008
You Never Know When You're Going To Jump In Someone's Story

I want to preface ( is that the word? ) this story by saying that.... I love people. I love hearing their stories and...I love to spend time people watching - I'm never bored that way. Some people collect precious moments figurines...I like to think I collect "precious moments"
Jenna and I accompanied Rachel to her second driving test. I have to admit I was nervous as heck because I didn't want to have to go through the drama of her NOT getting it. On the way there, a "red bird" flew in front of our car ( Jag's family calls cardinals "RED BIRDS" because that's what his late mother called them. Whenever we see one, we think of Grandma ). I figured it was a very good omen for us to "see" Grandma that am.
Rachel took the test and passed!! WHOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!! She was on top of the world. As we stood in line, she was spilling over with excitement, to which I made the comment " Rachel, your excitement is spilling over on the other people in line"
An elderly couple in front of us turned to share their lives with us for a moment. The woman was GORGEOUS. She looked to be in her 60's. Gorgeous skin and just a warmth to her personality. She was the size of my late Grandma Genny ( about 4 ft 9 in if that ) and had the same sweetness. The woman says to Rachel in a strong East coast accent " I flunked the first time!! I didn't drive until after I had three kids and the funny thing is that he ( she jabs her husband ) was in the car business~!"
Now I don't know if these 2 were Jewish or Italian but their accents were right out of a tv sitcom and I adored them immediately.
Mr. Elderly turns and looks at Rachel and says " she's gorgeous!! How old is she??"
"16" I say.
Mr Elderly says " she'll be married in 2 years " 0_0
Mrs. Elderly jabs him and says " nooooooo they go to college now and all that stuff"
I turn to her and say "speaking of gorgeous, you are!! You caught my eye immediately when we got in line "
Mrs says " I'm 85"
Me - "get out!! No way!! What is your secret!?"
Mrs "soap and water - that's all I've ever used "
Folks - she was a beautiful woman - inside and out.
Mr pipes up and says " you know you can get them to pass you on these driving tests if you slip them a 50" ROFL!!!
He then goes on about how beautiful Jenna is.
I tell him " well they look like their Dad "
Those 2 were straight out of WHEN HARRY MET SALLY ( remember at the end of the movie where the older couples share their stories??? )
I'm sure I didn't do that "precious moment" justice but it was a fun blimp on the radar of life. You never know when life is gonna toss you a party....even in line at the DMV ( btw, those people working there have NO sense of humor ...just sayin! )
Jackie can sooooooooo boss me!!
I DO have a story for you ( it happened with our oldest got her license the other day. ) Stay tuned!!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Oh yes she did!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008
FINALLY!! A Family Picture!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
You aren't ANYBODY until you have someone stalking you on the net!!

Monday, July 7, 2008
Jackie... you KILL me!!!

Jackie - Sadly, I cannot amuse you today. I have come to ask YOUR advice. My baby failed her driving test by 4 points today ( who knew you need to stop at a red light before you turn right 0_0 ).....and who the monkey needs to know how to do a 90 degree back in parking job???
The child is feeling dejected and sadly.... I sort of felt she would fail. *SIGH*.....not because she's not capable but because (1) she had called and told all her friends she was taking the road test ( big mistake in my book - the heavens like to monkey with you when you are sure of something ) and (2.) she was a nervous wreck. It was like she was going for a root canal or something.
My urge is to have her out driving as soon as possible again.....sort of like the GET BACK ON THE HORSE idea??
Any feedback??
P.S. Funny, I always felt Mama was put on earth to entertain me!! She needs to post a new entry on her blog!!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Save me... I want to live!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
There's no place like home....

The oldest urchin is HOME SICK. To quote her " I miss travelling with you guys and...would you believe I'm the only one that picks up after myself??? "
Oh yes, CHILD UNO ( the one that told me she was living in a prison 2 weeks ago ) has decided that Aunty Em and Uncle Henry are not so bad.
For starters, she is the one sharing a bed with her friend's little sister since her pal wants a bed all to herself ( you have no idea the karma here and how much I had to bite my tongue ). For another thing...there are 5 people in a hotel room; and 4 towels. Her pal used one for her hair and another to dry off....leaving 2 towels for 4 people. Rach was appalled.
I haven't heard so many " I love you's " or "I miss you's" since Jag and I were first together :)
This was the best thing we could have done for ourselves as parents - send your kids away so they can see you're not WICKED!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The 10 Year Old Is My Homey This Week....

Jag is off on a Business Trip.....SIL ( aka Gail according to Drama ) is in and out ....and the "Almost 16 year old" is in Georgia....that leaves Jen and I to be each other's homies.
So last night I'm watching a show where a Mom gives birth to SIX babies - it was amazing.....I just had to watch it. Jen joined me. She then asks me " so do they have to do it 6 times to get 6 babies?" 0_0 Aye yie yie.
I then explained the wonders of FERTILITY DRUGS to her. She then wondered about people that choose NOT to have babies and we discussed that for a while. cherub said something profound and beautiful....she said " well, I think you should have a baby since your body goes to all the trouble to DEVELOP ( her word ) a space for you to have a would be a shame for it to go to waste " Naturally, my genius offspring was referring to the Uterus and how it should not go to waste.
Sniff and ROFL!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Ok I asked the 10 yr old...

Monday, June 16, 2008
The Parenting Gig

I'm Slow On The Uptake.....

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Someone explain this to me...

Also - type in TENNIS SHOE on your search thingie and hit images....tell me why there are a few photos of nude women tossed in. I don't get that.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Pray People

Mark was at the ER last night for a split chin - he banged his head on the floor until it broke open. *SIGH*
But what I came here to ask folks is to pray hard for my Aunt and the people of Cedar Falls Iowa. My Aunt was evacuated last night from her home. I just heard minutes ago that the levy broke. Homes can be replaced I suppose but this particular Aunt has more than her share of hardships.
Send positive energy her way guys.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Grandma!!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Random Thoughts

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Time Marches On....

Monday, May 19, 2008
The Dog Race Of Life

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Endora is Stalking Me!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Curly Shuffle
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Just because....
Monday, May 12, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
I know who the terrorists are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ohhhhh don't be fooled by those 2 in the picture!!! I have no idea who they are but.....they're terrorists and they're a threat to our national security!!! Osama is clever my friend!! Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry clever!!
After travelling in 2 different airports over the past weekend, I came to realize that anyone over 70 is a possible terrorist. Consistently, anyone over 70 is pulled over and wanded, frisked, patted down and made to do the hula hoop while gargling a gold fish without swallowing it.
Those innocent looking, yet deadly folks, were consistently pulled out of checkpoint lines. WANDED!!! Patted down!!! FRISKED!!! Suddenly, my father didn't seem so innocent and fun loving when the 22 year old security agent ( I have jeans older than this kid ) was frisking and patting my Dad down. It was a Brokeback Mountain moment for sure. He and my father did enjoy a camel afterwards though.
My Mother claims to have artificial knees - they had to be wanded too. My Dad claims to have a pace maker and a defibulator ( I don't even know how to spell it - but I'm sure it's deadly if used on innocent people ).
THEN it dawned on me....every elderly person was being wanded. It's a conspiracy!! They're out to get us all!! Those canes and walkers could harbor weapons!!!
Blue haired people be damned!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Yet another thing to hate...

Sunday, April 27, 2008
What NOT to Wear.....

Saturday, April 26, 2008
I'm going to THE BALL...oh yes I surely am!!

Oh yes kids....I'm going to a BALL tonight. It's for Jag's work ** groan **. It's at the Zoo for some fundraiser thingie.
I am just NOT ( did I mention NOT ) the "BALL" type. I'm more the Lucille Ball type. What does one wear to these things?? Luckily, it snowed last night ( oh yes, Minnesota spring is a riot ) so I can wear one of my winter dressy get-ups. Jag, naturally, bought a tux. Now...I'm thinking....why buy one when you can rent one?? But he looked at me like I was Lucille Ball. *shrug*
So's either have a root canal or go to THE BALL... I am voting for the BALL since I get free food and drink and the stinkin' dentist doesn't provide that.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Viva Italiano!!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Are we proud or what!?!?!?!?
Stay tuned!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Looking for Space......

Don't get me wrong - in many ways it's been great having her here. I have a built in chef ( she is an excellent cook ) and someone to watch movies with etc. However, I can tell it's wearing on her to live here and changes the dynamics of my family life as well.
I find myself being a bit miffed at Jag for no reason - I suppose it's because he's a safe person to dump this on. I also am keenly aware how he would be acting if this was MY sibling living with us 0_0
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Jag - The Continuing Saga of THE STOMACH TURNS

We chalked it up to the intestinal flu or to food poisoning. *Shrug*
Until....he came home Wednesday with the same thing. The man is having some serious pain in his tummy. He did go to work yesterday and today but I see the Pepto Bismal bottle on my counter mocking me this morning ( which means he got up in the middle of the night and took a shot of it ).
He is mainly complaining of cramps that double him over.
I think it's time to see a doctor - any thoughts?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Mama Needs To Clean More....
The rules she posted:
The rules of the game go like so:
1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages long.)
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence.
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog
5. Tag 5 friends to do the same!
My book is "The Speed of Light"
My sentence: "Did Mom ever teach you to count down into your sleep?"
On the message board, I tagged:
1. Gee
2. Eliza
3. BA
4. Sid
5. Birthmark
Friday, April 4, 2008
This is to mother you....

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Light a Candle